You may have heard of Zero-cost computing, or the $100 laptop, well... this is those computers.
Actually, they cost $200 per laptop. This is Negroponte's project to enpower children in Africa. Food... for the mind. Education needs in Africa, do I need to elaborate?
It goes without saying, these machines are built for the rough terrain.
Volume would keep cost down. This is why for a limited time, these laptops are offered in North America, and that offer is extended through December 31st.
Give One, Get One. Your money helps to give a laptop computer, and you will get one for you.
For $200 per laptop, there's a lot of features for that money. I've blogged about that, recently.
I've donated money. A few days ago, I got a thank you note, confirming that all is ok for me. If I were paying taxes to the US, I got also a charity receipt. Oh well. :)
Ah! This answers one of my questions... which is, do Canadians get tax receipts, too?! Apparently not. How disappointing. :-(
Well, they e-mailed the equivalent of a tax receipt... good in the US!
(In a way, it makes sense. They are based in the US. Since I won't fill any 1040 form soon, that tax receipt is not all that good for me.
Somehow, Ottawa could have done the extra mile and allowed that tax deduction to Canada as well. An indirect way to contribute to the education effort in Africa. Oh well...
Oh, they also e-mailed me about a free T-Mobile WiFi account. Good for one year everywhere T-Mobile has hotspots in the US.
Well, that's nice. I wish I had their offer earlier in the year when I was travelling quite a bit in the US. It would have been useful. :)
That being said, if T-Mobile
were giving free *cellular* air time, I'd think that I buy their Sidekick (okay, okay, just for you, an unlocked GSM iPhone. :) ).
So, that's the news I have from them.
I'm a little bit worried that they have to extend the offer. Sure it can mean the offer is doing well... or it can mean that it is *NOT* going well, hence they need to extend it, in order to sell enough XO laptops. I hope it's the first and not the latter.
So, that's all the news I have for now.
PS: You're still invited to go to Montréal with or without laptops, you know. ;)
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