Well.... it is not a sure thing, but it appears that I maybe in Seattle around December 15th for a couple of days. :)
If you aren't checking news at FC, December 15th is the birthday of TantrikaGoddess, and invitations have been sent.
It coincides with a lull in my work, before things pick up madly during the Christmas holidays. (Yeah I know, a bummer, I'll be working. On the other hand, I'm happy to still have a job!)
So to compensate for having to work during the holidays, I've been already thinking of traveling (well, I do so in January, visiting my family in France)... but I might be able to squeeze in a few more days in December. Seattle... why not?
Masochists. Being laughed at my pathetically attempt to converse in ASL. Oh well. :) Tantrika is good sport. I should see Crowfriend too.
I'm wondering... anyone willing to fly with me to Seattle? Hehehe...
- Ladies, I can show you where is that famous FlueVog store in downtown Seattle,
- Guys, I know you're shy, but I can escort you to that famous kilt store in Pionneer Square, the Utilikilts. ;)
Funny, I have never understood why guys are so shy about wearing kilts. Wimps. I do wear a kilt. The proper way. Ayup. Be a man, do it! :)
I'd bet they're even more shy to shop for a kilt, -in person-, at a kilt store. Hey, it's just a clothing store, not a sex shop! Oh well... They don't know what they're missing. ;)
(Last summer, there was an hilarious event happening while I was at the kilt store. I've blogged this at FC, but one of these days I'll repost here. It's just too funny).
So, that's how it goes. I'm VERY tempted to access the offer. I'm checking whether it's feasible (work, parents, flights, and hotel room).
Would be fun if I have a travelmate, there is that. Oh well... Catch the guy with the kilt!
You don't need to go to Seattle for Fluevogs... there is a 'vog store in Montreal.
But your other reasons are *sound*
Thanks Clevergirl.
That being said... Fluevog are rather a shoe store for... women, at least the one I've seen in Seattle.
(I've never been in the one in Montréal, actually).
Anyhow, I'm going to fuel some rumors, besides wearing a kilt (!), should I begin to wear women's shoes!!!
COugh cough. :)
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