Like the sun, she's like a clock, regulating life.
Twice a day, the low and high tides.
Enjoying long walks at low tide.
At high tide,
whether bathing, swimming,
whether sailing,
It is feeding me,
physically, the fish I catch for my own survival,
spiritually, it's inspiring me, helping me in finding my balance.
The sea that meets the sky.
Have you ever dreamed of reaching the elusive horizon? I do. Many times...
Being at sea under a starlit sky..
In a heartbeat, I'd return.
I've also felt its fierce fury,
and why she deserves my full respect.
The sea.
I was thinking of a song... "Je voudrais voir la mer" (literally: I want to see the sea :) ), which Michel Rivard sang beautifully. You close your eyes... and bingo, you're at sea.
I was thinking of that song, when this week's 100 words was about the sea...
Since I'm not at FC... I can write in French, heh!
Je voudrais voir la mer, Et ses plages d'argent, Et ses falaises blanches, Fières dans le vent! Je voudrais voir la mer, Et ses oiseaux de lune, Et ses chevaux de brume, Et ses poissons volants! | I want to see the sea, And her silver beaches, And her white crests, so proud in the wind! I want to see the sea, And its moon birds, And its wooly fogs, And its flying fishes! |
Je voudrais voir la mer, Quand elle est un miroir, Où passent sans se voir, Des nuages de laine. Et les soirs de tempête, Dans la colère du ciel, Entendre une baleine Appeler son amour! {Refrain:} Je voudrais voir la mer, Et danser avec elle... | I want to see the sea, When she's calm like a mirror, Where without seeing each other, Some wooly clouds. And on stormy nights, In the sky's fury, To hear a whale calling her love! {Refrain:} I want to see the sea, to dance with her... |
Since you can find anything at YouTube... Here's a great diaporama... and of course the song "Je voudrais voir la mer". Sweet dreams! -E
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