At FC, they have this question: "The five things you'll find in a bedroom".
In *my* bedroom, you'll find a calendar. A calendar from a place I visited.
Of course, the calendar is there... for the photos. Nothing dirty! :)
Welcome to Vancouver, welcome to the totem poles in Stanley Park.
The "Indians" have these very delicate and beautiful things called "dream catcher". If you have seen one of those, they look somewhat like an UHF antenna.
Usually given to children, to protect them while they sleep.
There are many things floating in the ether, and it is believed that a "dream catcher" will filter bad dreams. It is tuned to pull all the good spirits floating, so you'll have the nicest sweetest dreams.
So in a way, this calendar about coastal British-Columbia is my "dream catcher"... to filter all the bad dreams, and to allow the spirit of the West Coast to fill the airspace in my bedroom.
Well, you might say this is gibberish. Of course, the grain of salt has to be valued. But there are sweet things like that... I like to say that we're irrational people, and it is a GOOD thing that we're irrational. We're not cold blood like robots!
When I was in the forum business, at a language & culture (it certainly helps to open one's mind, I'm telling you), I remember saying this, to someone who was (too) openly laughing at these... rituals.
We're talking about people who live in the nature. This defines in part their vocabulary, their mindset, their culture. They speak about what they feel in the vocabulary they know, and this deserves respect.
I would say that living *in* the nature, they have this keen perception, that we, urban "modern" people don't. Because our artificial world has completely sheltered us from nature, so we lost that feeling, that perfection.
So, I wouldn't readily dismiss things like "dream catchers". Or to some Wiccans and I'm also thinking of Shamans, the healing powers of some rocks, or why in some cultures they worship the sun, or some animals like the eagle, the bear, and so forth...
You may have to dig hard, but this is always based on something that is true, and people who have this close connection with nature have noticed. We don't.
The rest is being explained with the vocabulary and culture of the person telling that to you... which in your language and your culture may not make much sense.
So, this deserves respect, no matter how silly or weird it comes to you. A lot has been lost in the translation.
As a free thinker, I _think_ that I'm allowed to pick and choose what fits me...
So I am sharing with you... my "dream catcher".
Did I mention that I have sweet dreams? :)
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