Sport kilt ?!?
Ding. 1 + 1 = 2.
Besides, most likely, no one will be there at the beach... That "sport kilt" is meant to be worn wet... and supposedly you can even take it to the beach (it has the straps that you usually find on swimwears, etc... But a kilt, even a sport kilt is still a kilt. You know what I mean?
Ok, I brought a plastic bag with me for beach stuff, and I put it my swimsuit. That's my plan B, just in case. So off I go to the beach, walking under a warm light rain.
Montréal is at 45.5N, Cape Cod is at 39.7N. Almost full 6 degrees SOUTH of Montréal in latitude. However that 6 degrees, in the summertime... means that the rain is often delightfully WARM here on the Cape, while in Montréal it is freezing cold even at the height of the summer season.
So, a delightful 30-minute walk to the beach. Dripping wet in many ways! I was humming songs and for some reasons many songs had something to do with the rain. ( ie : Raindrops keep falling on my head, etc!!! Oldies but always goodies).
At the beach... as predicted, there was absolutely NO ONE in sight. It was still raining lightly. Mhhhh.... A guy gotta do what he gotta have to do.
In some forums which they were mentioning that sport kilt that I'm wearing, the guys were saying that you don't really risk of showing your unmentionables, and the feel to be in the water with that kilt is like having the best of both worlds: Being legally dressed and enjoying the naughtiness of nudity in the water.
Agreed for the latter part, but I was a bit worried about the first part!
Besides, I'm not in my country here, and it's not the time to run afoul with the law. There's already a senator making a fool of himself, so imagine a Canadian eskimo!
Soooo... taking my courage... Shoes were removed (and protected from the rain), and off I go. First thing: No, the kilt did not "float" , THANKFULLY! It protected me during my entry into the water.
Swimming in a kilt is really the weirdest feeling I ever had. Of course I felt the kilt all around, almost as it was silk gliding on me, which is a VERY pleasant feeling, but I could also *directly* feel the water flowing all around my sensitive areas, as if I were skinny dipping. Whew!
And it's been a long time I haven't skinny dipped... so did I say that I _really_ enjoyed being in the water? :)
I did dive and did some flips at the bottom... you know, just for SCIENTIFIC purposes, to see how a kilt would react under various circumstances... underwater. Ok, I did stretch things, and during these flips, I could feel... NOT protected anymore, if you catch my drift!
But you're in the water.. if NO ONE is immediately next to you, who is going to notice... that there's some exposed skin?
So guys: If you want some naughty fun, buy yourself a sport kilt! Guaranteed fun!
Ladies: Have your guy wears a kilt. You know, free access is hard to beat... shall I say?
And the dual look, being street legal when on dryland, and the open naughtiness when in the water almost like skinny dipping. I kind of agree, it's like having the best of both worlds. I'm finding new virtues to these kilts. :-)
FC doesn't like remote linking... since I'm not at FC... and I'm sure you want to know where you can buy one... It is at the famous "Utilikilts" in Seattle, off Pionneer Square. The "sport" kilt is actually on of their "Spartan kilts" (link). Contrary to other kilts, it is extremely lightweight.
Their main web site: http://www.utilikilts.com/ . They usually run on their main page a funny "mockumercial". At the time I'm writing this blog entry, you see a guy doing some gardenings... in kilt. At the end of the commercial these lines appear:
Only your pansies will know for sure.
It says all!!!
What I like of these utilikilts... At first glance, they don't so obviously look like kilts. Besides, they have side and rear pockets, much like regular pants. It is upon closer examination that mhhhh.... those "pants" look suspiciously strange. :)
And yesterday, a bit of naughtiness. Swimming in a kilt. Street legal off water, and delightful naughtiness *IN* the water. :)
Ladies, tell your boyfriend to buy a kilt. Guys, stop being shy and buy one! You have no idea of the fun you're missing!
Mhhhh... In the context of the previous blog entry, can it be considered as lewd behavior? Nawwwww. :)
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