Such as those pictures from the West Coast.
For this very blog entry, I prefer to blog here than at my main blog on FC.
Somehow, I didn't like the tone of some people... I don't mind being teased... but when it's again and again and again, it begins to hurt.
There weren't 5 consecutive months of vacations, to begin with. There has been travels for work, which I'm tightlip and I can't say much in public. And when I was on "vacations" a lot of it was compensation for overtime. Has anyone realized that there must have been a heck of overtime to get that many extra days of vacations? That I sweat hard, that the stress was immense, on top of all my other worries, which aren't the least?
So it's nice being teased, but after a while, to make me feel that I'm a freeloader, it begins to irk me royally.
About these travels, It's funny... I was reading my blog entries in January and February, and I was dreaming of going at sea for 6 months. In a way, this is what I did this year, doing both coasts for the past 5 months. It's not exactly what I planned, but the effects were the same!
The other reason I want to blog here and not on my main blog at FC, for the past 5 months, I've blogged about the nice things happening, and some were squarely incredible, also about the good vibes I had...
But there has been a dark side. I've been lucky personally, the only scary part was going through US customs this August.
As I said, one goal of these travels is to I observe people. How they live. There were some NOT so good aspects.
Whether people going into others' mhhh... private properties when sex is the name of the game and for both genders, it's smoldering "down there". I've seen that, and at times accidentally at close range, which I just tippytoe out of sight. :) But this makes you thinking of how people deal with their conscience when you know a few things about their life. Mhhhh...
I've also seen people who knew well the weakness of their victims, and they were giving to them what they want to hear, I've seen that too.
I can and did raise flags, give hints, but beyond that point, I have to step back... and observe these train wrecks occuring or about to occur. It is futile and utterly pompous to believe that one can change the course of events. Things are bound to happen and there's little you can do about.
And the bad side is just as useful. The contrast makes you appreciate the better side of life, for one thing.
I observe people living, but it is their life, not mine... so as much as I sympathize, I have to stop worrying for others. I have enough on my shoulders already.
So I have pictures in mind... stormy seas... and calm seas...
... and I think that I want to be part of the picture. I've been on neutral too long...
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