If you happen to visit Ottawa and the Parliament, take a few minutes to wander off the beaten path.
Once at the Parliament, go to the left side of the building, toward the area which there are many trees.
Observe, and surprise oh surprise, you'll see cats... and these cat condos! (At the time I took this picture, beside the black cat... there's also a black squirrel!). If you are even luckier, you may even see the Catman of the Hill, René Chartrand, taking care of these cats.
For the past 30 years, Errant cats in Ottawa do have food (and shelter)... right here at the Parliament.
Jokes aside, the story, somewhat (heavily? :) ) embellished over the time is worth mentioning, nonetheless. It is just too sweet!
In the late 70s, there was a cat... lady by the name of Irène Désormeaux, who had noticed that there were many errant cats around Parliament Hill. Listening to her heart, she bought food and she decided to feed them. (Later, that responsibility was passed to current "Catman", René Chartrand).
Like any good citizen initiative... elected officials were dead set against. These cats are like vermin! They carry diseases! They are nuisance! They scare tourists! (Actually, these cats became a tourist attraction). Get rid of those cats!!!
Some people argued that cats are good pest control. Years ago, some ships and old houses had cats for that reason... and these days, cats are certainly a better alternative to the use of chemicals.
Some facetious brave souls also argued that a building as old as the Parliament certainly have a lot of ahem... big fat rodents all over the building. :)
So the news spreaded fast here in Ottawa... (and across the country too) . These cats have touched the hearts of many Canadians.
Petitions, protests, so many people supporting the cats of Parliament Hill and their cat keeper...
Common sense, Canadian-style... finally applied.
The Parliament belongs to all Canadian citizen and they really mean it: *ALL* Canadian citizen... if you catch my drift. :)
Whether they are furry and have more than two legs do not matter. These cats are certainly born in Canada, therefore they are Canadian... eh!
The rationale is that these cats, just like any Canadian, have the right to go to the Parliament, so you can't oust them. Some jokesters also commented that with our Charter of Rights, you can not discriminate Canadians based on their race nor on their physical appearance, whether they are feline or human, with a fur coat or not. Cough cough. :)
On the other hand, our elected officials were not happy either.
So the deal was this: The cats are here to stay. Eyes would be closed on their cat keeper (and later on the "cat condos").
However, the Canadian government would *NOT* provide fundings (I guess that it was too much for the bureaucrats to put a bunch of cats on our welfare system! :) ) nor provide facilities other than the little parcel of land where the cat condos now exist.
To this day, all expenses have been paid in part by the Catman himself and by money from the public. Some merchants donated some cat food and some vets have donated their time for free medical check-ups. It goes without saying, all of these stray cats have been spayed or neutered.
So, it is a labour of love, in many ways. You have to love cats to go to such extents!
It also says something about Ottawa. A lot of people with a very good heart. :)
As a cat lover, everytime that I'm in Ottawa, whether on a business trip or on leisure, I have to go to the Parliament. I have to see "my" cats. :)
CityNews: Catman becomes legend caring for strays on Parliament Hill (2006/08/08)
Canoe: On the prowl, on Parliament Hill (2004/05/06)
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