
The Seattle blogfest report!

(Due to FC's inability to handle more than one photo per blog entry, I've sent to my fellow bloggers the URL of this blog)

Crowfriend and Tantrika, extremely elegant in black. They were radiating love and happiness. So beautiful to see!

Such a joy for me to see Tantrika again, and after near misses to finally see Crowfriend

So in photos, here's the report:

From left to right, Tarnaagh, Dae314, Crowfriend, and I _think_ Tantrika's hands. :)

Dae has been ahem... quite a phenomeon. We kept giggling and laughing... and it's a wise crack one after the other. (I think it's visible on the photo!)

And all this, even while being sober! If Montréal wasn't so far away from Washington State, she would do a killer job at our aptly named "Juste pour Rire / Just for laughs festival!". :)

(On the table, we had red wine, white wine, and Washington Port. The content of these bottles quickly ahem... "evaporated" in our glasses! ;) )
Time for a toast!

From left to right, Taarnagh, a laughing Dae (she's been like that all night long. I never laughed so much in an evening!), Crowfriend and Tantrika going for a toast and Gird.

Again from left to right, humble moi (!), Illjay64 and her boyfriend, Taarnagh, Dae, and the hands belonging to Crowfriend and Tantrika. :)

I was the only one who has brought a digicam. So I lent my digicam to Gird who took a couple of pictures, including this one.

This picture speaks for itself, I think.




Anonymous said...

Looks like you're having a grand time!

xo CG

The Eskimo said...



Anonymous said...

We had a very good time! Thanks again everyone! John (aka congueoseattle)