It's not my intent to do a political blog, and certainly not about a country that I am not currently living in. So consider that blog entry as the exception that confirms the rule, (that's what we say in French. :) ).
What happens elsewhere... can happen here. To some extents, it has already happened (ie, Stephen Harper).
Also when that very elsewhere is our closest neighbour, also the country that self-portrayed as the watchdog of democracy... Ooch.
When it is a country you admire, and a country you'd love to live in, to see the country so rapidly dropping their principles, on the aftermath of 9/11... rapidly turning as a police state, when individual liberties have been ditched in the name of "security", and there was very little protest, one wonders...
But there is more.
I was watching Keith Olberman the other night, and listening intently to his "Special Comment" (transcripts: The Neocon job . By all means, do read it).
This was on days after the NIE report was leaked to the media, stating that Iran's nuclear plans have been put on-hold since 2003, and Bush got that report last August.
You certainly remember Bush's recent statements about WW3, nuclear holocaust and other similar niceties, at the time he knew that none of that could possibly happened. With the NIE report now leaked into the media, Bush was caught again pants down, openly lying to his population. It is blatant, it is as obvious as a nose on one's face. And so far... not much is happening.
I'm a fan of Olberman, and whenever it happens that I'm home, I watch his broadcast. Of all of his Special Comments", it is probably the harshest of all. His ending words? "You, sir (Bush), have no business... being president." Loud and clear, and to the point.
And that could be said back then in 2004 when the 9/11 commission published its report (more on that later).
But... where's everyone? Why Olberman is the only one openly stating what many people think?
And there's one word missing. Even from someone as verbose as Olberman... and I always wondered why on many of his "Special Comments" he didn't use it, because it was the logical conclusion to everything he said. Even more so now.
I'm also thinking that in 2004... when the 9/11 commission published its report, and when it stated, that *NONE* of the reasons invoked by Bush for the war in Iraq were true... NONE of them, not a single one of them...
So what it says about the capacity of the man, being at the helm of an extremely powerful country... and with the job, as commander in chief of the army, when it got stated blatantly that he has sent the army on a war... for *NO* valid reasons?
There's only one word for that... and that very word was also missing in everyone's comments, back then.
Not only that, but Bush got re-elected, defeating the purpose of that word.
Oh, it's too easy to blame the media, printed and electronic.
Also, it is true that we deserved and we should be held responsible for the politicians we elect. For instance, I blush when I see Harper making a fool of himself on every international tribune (these days, on how he torpedoes the Kyoto accord. It's just one humilation among many others).
One wonders: we have elected... THAT ? Ooch...
So I wouldn't blame the Americans for electing and re-electing Bush. We're just as bad, and the way it's going, we're going to re-elect Harper. So much for learning from our mistakes, even collective ones.
So there has to be something else.
And I wonder what is that very "else". I've no idea.
In the meantime for my fellow American friends, here's the missing word. Cut and paste it, use it, everywhere. Freely. Oh my, even... liberally? ;)
And that concludes my "Special Comment". We shall resume our more or less normal programming. :)
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