Be honest, you were thinking of THAT blow job, right? The job that sucks, right? ;)
You have a dirty mind... well... as dirty as mine and a lot of people. That's not all that bad, come to think of it.
No, I haven't posted that blog entry at FC... yet. I'm still giggling!
Sooooo.... of course, I'm thinking of a blow job of another kind.

We got the storm on Monday, and it's now Sunday... and we (the residents of that street), men and women alike, we're all collectively waiting for our collective blow job to occur. :)
(You know, there are certain things that are done in groups, and you can bet that in this case, we'll all rapidly climax of joy when it's going to happen. We've been waiting for soooo long, you know! ;) )
I also wonder whether next Monday, I should call City Hall. I can imagine the conversation on the phone.
Sir, I need a blow job, and it's an emergency!
Ok, it's Sunday morning, the week has been though...
Am I allowed... to record some moments of silliness?
Thanks. :)
PS: Credits for my immediate neighbour about the word play on blow jobs... and for contaminating my mind since then!!!
It staarted snowing here around 2pm today and hasn't let up since... or perhaps a bit earlier.
I'm assuming it's pretty much the same scenario chez vous!
Here we go again!
That's what I've heard. :)
I'm now in Seattle. +8 Celsius, no snow on the ground, the trees are still in their fall colours...
The weather is a tad on the grey side, but I haven't really noticed.
It's just toooooo sweet to be in Seattle right now. I am absolutely *NOT* complaining!
:) :) :)
PS: Sérieusement, bon courage, Clevergirl. L'hiver sera rude cette année, on dirait...
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