Note that the neighbour's fence has now entirely disappeared in the snow. The fence is *4 feet* tall. That gives you an idea of the crazy amount of snow we have here in "Southern" Québec.
I like snow... to a point.
My country is also known as the Great *WHITE* North for a reason, my handle is Eskimo *also* for a good reason...
But, I'm a little concerned, you know?
I haven't seen this much snow in my entire life, and we're near the all-time record amount of snow for the *entire* winter season... and we're just in mid-February.
PS: More snow mixed with dabs of ice pellets and freezing rain are forecasted later in the day.
PPS: Global Warming, anyone?
PPPS: The urge to hibernate never felt so strong.
On the plus side, I hear it will be 9ºC tomorrow or Tuesday. Not that this is really a plus at all!
xo CG.
This is why I'm a little concerned!
One of these days, all that stuff is going to melt!!!!
It seems we won't get those nice +9C temperatures, but I'm confident, it's going to happen sooner or later. Sooner the better, I'd say. :)
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