The snowstorm had subsided a bit, but it was still snowing and it was quite windy. No one is outside unless one has to. A neighbour? My landlord? Mhhh...
So I opened the door. I saw a tall man in his 60s, lots of grey hair and wearing worn out clothes. Mhhh... in this snowstorm?
Overall, the guy seems shy, and it's obvious that a lot of doors have been slammed on him.
He didn't say a word, but he waved a card at me. So I looked at his card...
A card, with letters A to Z, with drawings of a hand for each letter.
Dang, I immediately recognize... fingerspelling.
Fingerspelling is the alphabet... in *Sign Language*. The guy in front of me is most likely deaf.
I was genuinely surprise, and he saw my surprise.
So I *signed*... DEAF YOU ? (with the proper facial expression for a Yes/No question). Textbook ASL. :)
You should see his face lighting up. Really, he didn't expect that someone who could sign!
What I didn't expect... he came to me... and hugged me!
Mhhh.. there are things in life which... you accept, no matter what. Can you refuse a hug? Of course not!
Hugged by a stranger, right at home. Home delivered hugs. :) Got to say, there are far worse things that can happen when answering the door!
Gee whiz, he isn't dressed warmly. He didn't want to come in nor drink something hot.
So I learn that he's born deaf, and he's trilingual, French, LSQ (Quebec Sign Language) and ASL (American Sign Language). He found absolutely amazing that I'm a hearing person and learning ASL for the fun of it during my spare time.
The conversation didn't last long... He wanted to continue his run. In this crazy weather? Yup...
So I gave him a substantial amount of money. That's the very least I can do.
So we "Muaaaaaaaaaahh" each other and he left. I stayed on the front porch for a little while, observing him, walking in the snow toward the next home...
In the snowstorm... I felt bad for him.
What can I do?
Now, it was me who was getting cold.
So I closed the door.
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