First thing first, to all my fellow bloggers... a Happy New Year!
Yup, we all made it. It's 2008. Incredible, isn't it? :D
I wish to all of you... Health, Happiness. The rest is also nice to have, I agree. :)
My house will _really_ be an igloo!!! :)
-I'm back from celebrating the new day with my parents. It goes without saying I couldn't leave Canada, on such an important day.
I've millions things to do, and on day like this one, it's windy, it's cold and it is snowing...
The urge to stay in my cavern, err... igloo is there. Sigh!!!
- Just finished the job (Yay!). However, I've to make preparations for the trip to France... and of course I have to hunt for those little sweet treats we have "in America" (I wish they say Québec, or as a last resort, Canada. If you have family relatives on the Old Continent, no matter where you are on the NEW Continent, it's America, and that's that! Whether basking in an igloo or wearing a sombrero, you come from America! :) ).
- Got the luggage packed with my stuff.
- Last tour of e-mail. Sigh... it's scary the amount of new mails. I must get done before leaving.
- I must see my landlord. Again, she will check my apartment everyday (and for Albertine, the garden spider. She has a big kick on her!).
It's not that I'm overly cautious, but in winter time in a nordic country like mine, there are extra steps that must get done while you're away at this time of the year. Otherwise, insurance companies won't pay. Mumble... mumble... mumble...
- A talk with Gamin and Filou. Once again, they'll be in the hands of my mom. Nor they understand much, but "the talk" is important for me. After all, these cats are my babies :) (If you're a cat owner, you understand what I mean. :) ). There's also the big guilt trip to leave them behind... even if I know they'll be in *VERY* good hands. :)
That being said, there's another weird feeling, because my cats don't miss much my absence. With my mom, they are pampered. She cooked for them all sorts of great meals (I wish I had the time to do so!), they are groomed and groomed (and they love that!) and they'll get all other niceties. Did I mention that my mom loves cats? :)
It feels as if they want to stay with my mom, when I come back. Sheesh. :)
- Laptop? Check. It will work on 220V.
- I have a bunch of adapters for those round wall outlets in Europe. It's in the luggage. (Yeah I know, I'm sure you have done this: leaving them at home!!! :) )
- Digicam charger? Check. It will also work fine on 220V.
- Ditto for the cellphone charger, and I spent a good deal of time with customer service yesterday, to make sure that the cellphone I have will work in France, and then to activate international roaming... and then asking a few basic things...
How do I dial an European phone number on a *Canadian* cellphone, if I have to? And vice in the versa, which numbering scheme I use when calling back to Canada when I'm in France? Answer: It's bisexual. :)
A bit of both numbering schemes. Not exactly like in Europe, not exactly like in Canada, but it's a bit of both. Roaming rates? Nawww... you don't want to know. I just hope there won't be any emergencies requiring the use of my cellphone, whether in France or in Canada.
-Got maps, guides all tucked in said luggage
-Now, if I can find time to sloooooooooow down and relax!!!
Yup, hibernation on the fast lane, it feels that way.
Happy New Year, everyone!
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