
Voicemail to SMS text message...

I'm awfully behind in checking my mails.

A friend of mine has sent me this link. Rogers (who also owns the Fido brand name) is one of the three cellphone service providers in Canada. They announce a brand new service for cellphone users: Voicemail to SMS text messages.

(Of course, knowing Rogers, they'll charge top dollars for that service :) ).

They have implemented voice recognition software on their voicemail service. It understands several languages (English, French, German, Spanish).

So you can receive as a text message, what people are leaving on your voice mailbox.

Ahh... the wonders of computers. :)

Since Canada is trailing terribly, compared to the States and Europe, I would bet that they all have that for a long time... but it's coming to Canada. At last.

In the article I mentioned earlier, there's something that ticks me off:


“It’ll appeal to a broad customer base … people who are in meetings quite regularly and can’t take a phone call; it’s very useful in those settings,” commented Alltel’s senior vice president of product management, Wade McGill. “It was one of those services that once you get it, you don’t want to give it up,” he added, describing the reaction of a product test group.


Ooookay. What about people who are functionally hard of hearing (my case). What about deaf people? I'd bet they'd be delighted

It's often the problem with new technology. What their inventors think of the real audience of their new technology... and how it really turns out in reality...

Anyway, that's probably old news to everyone else, but I figure that's news still worthy enough for mention here.

Now, time to pack my luggage... or I'll miss my plane!!!



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