
Under Construction...

I guess that I have to start somewhere. :)

It's funny... how vacations and technology mix in.

I'm at the motel... or rather, I'm at a lovely park the motel owns. I'm within range of their wi-fi service. I'm typing these lines on a picnic table.

Next to me there are big pine trees providing some shades.

Not bad, eh? :)

This is an "under construction" post. I do plan to "simulcast" between FC and here.

For the time being, I'm learning how the blog on the spot is working. :)



The Eskimo said...

You're welcome!

I'm not really up to gear, but it's getting quite close!

I still feel like a kid being given a new toy to play with.

I have to push all the buttons and see what they do! :)

I'm very happy with the results so far.

Besides, no delays, instant publication, no zealous censors... I can even post en français if I want to, and not being censored...

Freedom. :)

Among their widgets, I like their link list. I have used it to link to other blogs, maybe it's something we should all do. This will help to keep that sense of community in this big big place!

These things are fun, but they are a mixed blessing. They eat an awful lot of time!!!



Small Satori said...

cool...I'll add you to my list, too.
i think that slowly we can build a nice little community here. I love that we can post as many pictures as we like!
have a WONDERFUL time in NJ.
Next time I'll make it.

The Eskimo said...

Thank you, J!!!

(I'm on my way in NJ, I'm killing time at a bus terminal in Hyannis. I'm a Wi-Fi addict. :) )

PS: About the blogs, being able to most MULTIPLE photos... I think I'll make use of that feature quite often. Just a hunch... said the visual guy. :)

