Mr Obama, it isn't always possible to micromanage a huge bureaucracy, and when it is left on its own, it continues on its initial direction, or do silly things like flying Air Force One at low altitude over NYC... without telling the public. A photo op with the obvious consequences, except to bureaucrats, of course.
Since 9/11, everytime one has to fly to the US, he is required to leave luggages unlocked, or put these "TSA approved" locks. Supposedly for additional screening, should something odd appears on their scanning devices.
Like anything else, when you can do something, why not abuse of your privilege by doing it... all the time?
With apparent impunity, because they aren't required to tell you that your luggages have been opened. So not knowing... why would you suspect anything?
At airports, bus and train terminals, by observing the size of luggages some people carry, it feels like they're carrying their house with them.
In a way, as a traveler, we all do. Those are our personal belongings, after all.
Would you, in the name of security, be required to give your keys to your house to the police, "just in case" they have to intervene, for your own... security?
And entering your house without a court mandate or without your approval, even without your knowledge?
Yet, this is "airport security" and that's what they do with your luggage.
Funny, when I cross the border, even the US border, it happens that an officer will *ask* to open my luggage for inspection. One might say that I have little choice, but at least, everything is done in my full view, and *I* open my luggage. That's fair.
Why so much secrecy at airports? And why luggages are systematically open? I can prove it.
I got those hard to find luggage locks that rat on those TSA guys.
Look at the dot at the lower right-hand side of these two locks. Can you tell which one was used on a luggage that went to the US by plane, and the other in Canada? Yup. A red dot will show up when it is open by a TSA guy. Otherwise, there's a green dot. Nifty, yes? Yes...
What bugs me, if I didn't use these gizmos, I wouldn't know. Most people don't have these gizmos, so they don't know.
Since they forced air travelers to use those "TSA approved" locks, I don't remember a single time seeing a green dot when going to or from the US.
Mr. Obama, the devil is in the details. The devil, is in *telling* the details. To keep people honest, there's nothing like things being done in full view, in full knowledge of everyone involved.
Assuming that those additional inspections are really all that required.
Oh, and the fact that it is really for my own security, that is.
Fear is so easy to sell... Bush did that so well...
You don't have to follow his steps.
PS: This is a blog "simulcast" with FC and BadSumo. Not present on FC is the link to the Brookstone web site, where I bought those locks years ago.
They no longer sell those locks, but they have similar locks, still with an indicator, telling you whether someone... else opened those locks.
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