A: I was shoveling snow.
Q: Did you go to the movies?
A: No, I was shoveling snow.
Q: Did you read books, magazines, anything?
A: Too tired. I was shoveling snow.
Q: What are you going to do today?
A: I'll shovel snow. (On the roof, with my landlord).
Q: Do you have a life?
A: Sigh.... Nope, I was shoveling snow !!
I wish I could forget my shovel. :)
This gives a whole new meaning to the title of my blog, "don't forget your shovel!"
btw, it's snowing up here again this afternoon!
I am digging this... literally! Tee hee!!! :)
In my dreams, it feels so good... forgetting my shovel. If only spring can arrive... for real and not just in dreams! :)
Indeed a whole new meaning to the title of your blog!!!
We had just a dusting of snow here. Thankfully!!!
The snow on the roof was at waist height, and much of it packed, and HEAVY. My landlord and me felt that it was about time to shovel all this out, just in case we get even more snow!!!
It's also a weird feeling to be on the roof. You see the neighborhood like you have never seen before.
Our media now is on a rampage about roofs collapsing, and somehow fueling the hysteria.
But we don't live in huts. Our homes are built to withstand our crazy Canadian winters. :)
I think the reason the media is up in arms is that someone's roof *did* collapse in Québec!.
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