With the illness of my dad, followed by his death, I had neither the time, nor the willingness to blog anything.
And these days, my life has been violently rocked again, except that it is in a good, VERY good way.
It took dad's death and the announcement in the local newspapers... to discover that I have half-sisters. And I kept doing the maths: Not one, not two, not three, not four, not five... but S-I-X sisters!!!
In some religions, the tree represents life. If you've been on the west coast and you have been next to big trees... This is life spats at you, in full force. You could see it, you could *feel* it.
Between trees, there are paths.
I wish that my path, like this sandy path on the photo on the left... would have been a straight line.
You know, like everyone. That everyone, the silent unknown individual of the majority.
Not a chance. A non-standard family and I'm quite a non-standard guy. And the past few years...
I guess that is one of the twists of life... that I've stopped frustrating about. Like it or not, I have to accept.
I had to do so with dad's illness...
Accepting the bad... which I thought was the summum of things to accept...
And now the good, the wonderfully good... the summum in the other direction, but still immense, still huge to accept.
Accepting that my dad had a prior life, and deliberately kept unknown to me for reasons that escape everyone, whose past is now becoming my present time.
6 wonderful women who are my sisters and who are calling me brother. Moi, un frère? A brother?!? Whew !!!!!
It's a re-birth, except that I'm born by the age of 46. :)
Accepting, welcoming...
... with open arms...
I'm sure there will be some blog entries ahead. If life doesn't keep me busy, there is that. :)
oh wow. I would like to know more about how it is that you have found 6 half sisters and all about them of course. ;-) Nosey me. Perhaps you don't want to say online? Either way, congratulations mon ami! All those years thinking you were an only child. Imagine that! C'est très Hollywood!
xo CG
Long time, no see! Figuratively and literally so!
Oui, c'est très "Hollywood" ! Many times, I think that if this were a Hollywood movie, people would say that the scenario is sooooo unbelievable
Yet, this is happening for real!
How do I feel? Now, I think that I am ok. I think. :)
Feeling overwhelmed is the understatement of the year.
It's been a huge shock! In total disbelief at first, but in parallel to our first meet, as I began to sift through tons of dad's papers, I found letters that proved the existence of my sisters...
We say figuratively "I fell off my chair". Well, I did so for real!
And the circumstances of the discovery of my sisters. It took the passing of my dad, and the announcement in the papers, and one of the sisters who doesn't read newspapers happen to do so on that very day... and happen to see the announcement and... and... she made the initial contact, and voilà!
I'm thinking the other way around. If she didn't contact me, I wouldn't know about my half-sisters.
Eventually, sooner or later I would have to dig dad's papers and I would find those letters and photos...
6 wonderful half-sisters who make me feel that I'm a rock star to them. All things considered, I am not complaining!!! :)
Embrace the present time! I have to! The incredible stuff and living a life of a now not so alone child!
xo J
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