Ciel rose le soir, donne de l'espoir,Red sky at night is sailor's delight.
espoir... or hope in French.
Yet, I am surrounded with fears tonight. Fears.. and hopes.
You know that's a bummer to a guy? Guys are supposed to be built tough. Fears, we shouldn't know what it means. Oh yes we do know... but there's a heck of misplaced ego to internalize it...
I was at the office tonight, observing the sunset over the city, pondering...
It reminded of the many sunsets at sea that I've been privileged to observe... and to my mind, that old sailor's saying in French. (literally: Red sky at night... brings *hope*).

-Many more worries about my father,
-Contraring to the ferry from which the photo was taken, I'm sailing while having no idea of where I'm going. This is completely uncharted seas for me...
Facing the unknown always brings some amount of... fears... and yet, like any sailing... there's the hope of arriving safely at the harbour, any harbour...
Fears and hopes...
like fire and water...
A sky in fyre,
over a calm body of water.
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